Green Years

Green Years is divided into three parts. In the opening session, Onde o Verão vai, by David Pinheiro Vicente, sets the tone for a programme that dwells on the emergence of the first desire. Then we have 20 films in competition, both shorts and features, providing us with the views of new directors. Finally, we screen the final-year works of students from this year’s invited school, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK), school of arts of the University College Ghent.

Green Years – Opening Session

David Pinheiro Vicente made his debut in the Green Years section in 2016 with Simão. Two years later, he presents Onde o Verão vai (Episódios da Juventude) to an international audience. In this special opening session, we follow up on his development as an author, and based on his second film we establish a network of first views on the emergence of desire with Um Dia Frio, by Cláudia Varejão, and Entretanto, by Miguel Gomes.
