Although it may not be obvious, António is in harmony. His everyday life is death, but there is no darkness or mourning in him. Life and death, unceremoniously.
Terra Preta
Francisco Fidalgo
16:15 • VA/GY • 90’
/** * Auto Add Image Attributes From Image Filename * * @author Arun Basil Lal * @refer * @plugin */ function abl_mc_auto_image_attributes( $post_ID ) { $attachment = get_post( $post_ID ); $attachment_title = $attachment->post_title; $attachment_title = str_replace( '-', ' ', $attachment_title ); // Hyphen Removal $attachment_title = ucwords( $attachment_title ); // Capitalize First Word $uploaded_image = array(); $uploaded_image['ID'] = $post_ID; $uploaded_image['post_title'] = $attachment_title; // Image Title wp_update_post( $uploaded_image ); update_post_meta( $post_ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $attachment_title ); // Image Alt Text } add_action( 'add_attachment', 'abl_mc_auto_image_attributes' );
Although it may not be obvious, António is in harmony. His everyday life is death, but there is no darkness or mourning in him. Life and death, unceremoniously.