
Doclisboa’19 and Cinema São Jorge join Acesso Cultura and promote a broader accessibility to part of the Festival’s programme by implementing one casual session and one session with audio description.

Acesso Cultura is an association which promotes the access – physic, social, intellectual – to cultural participation.

Casual Session

A Casual Session is a film, theatre, dance or music session that takes place in a more relaxed and welcoming environment, and with more tolerance regarding movement and noise from the audience. It is aimed at all individuals and families favouring a low anxiety environment, families with small children, people with sensory, social or communication disabilities, people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger Syndrome, people with intellectual disability, children with attention deficit, people with Down Syndrome, people with Tourette Syndrome and the elderly in early stages of dementia.

The visual story will soon be available.

Ensaio de Amor
Love Essay
Zé G. Pires | 2019 | Portugal | 67’

OCT 27 / 11 am, São Jorge 2

Audio description

An extra narrative track for blind and partially sighted persons in general, who consume visual media, including television, cinema, theatre, dance, opera and visual arts. It comprises a narrator who talks during the presentation, describing what is going on (and that cannot be perceived through hearing) during the audio natural pauses, and during dialogue whenever considered necessary. Visually impaired spectators are given headphones to listen to the audio descriptor.

Zé Pedro Rock ‘n’ Roll
Diogo Varela Silva | 2019 | Portugal | 110’

OCT 18 / 9.30 pm, São Jorge – M. Oliveira Cinema

Parallel Activities