Doclisboa wants to question the present of film, bringing along its history and assuming cinema as a mode of freedom. By refusing the categorization of film practice, it searches for the new problematics that cinematic image implies, in its multiple ways of engagement with the contemporary. Doclisboa tries to be a place to imagine reality through new modes of perception, reflection, and possible new forms of action.
Training Workshop For Teachers

Adult Training

A place for discussion designed for teachers, focusing on film literacy and the sharing of experiences, methods, possibilities and obstacles when integrating this artistic area in the current education systems. The 2017 Education Project activities will be the subject of a case study.


Trainer: Cláudia Alves
NOV 3 / 5.30 pm, Cinemateca Júnior
Free attendance upon prior inscription.
Further information:
Ana Pereira, Sara Marques, projecto.educativo@doclisboa.org, +351 938 701 690


Casa do Cinema
Rua da Rosa, 277 - 2º
1200-385 Lisboa
+351 914 570 001
+351 913 672 710