Sharon Lockhart is the artist invited for the Passages section. She will also present her latest film, Rudzienko, together with a film chosen by her, Children must laugh, by Aleksander Ford. The exhibition curated by Pedro Lapa (who had presented the artist’s exhibition, Pine Flat, at MNAC) includes photographs, a series of works using other media, and the screening of her films Podwórka, from 2009 (programmed by Manon de Boer with her own work and shown in theatres at Doclisboa 2016), and Antoine/Milena, from 2015. Both films, as well as her photo work, focus on the universe of children and young teenagers, recording their liveliness and poetic thickness.
Doclisboa wants to question the present of film, bringing along its history and assuming cinema as a mode of freedom. By refusing the categorization of film practice, it searches for the new problematics that cinematic image implies, in its multiple ways of engagement with the contemporary.
Doclisboa tries to be a place to imagine reality through new modes of perception, reflection, and possible new forms of action.