Submissions Opened for Arché in Porto

Call for projects are now open for the second edition of Arché in Porto. Between 27th of November and 1st of December, Arché will present a project development workshop tutored by Luciano Rigolini and a pitching session open to all film professionals. An artistic residency award will be given to one of the projects by a jury.
Calls are open to Portuguese, Spanish, Latin American and Portuguese-speaking countries’ projects, at any stage of development.
The renewed partnership between Doclisboa and Porto/Post/Doc aims to broaden and encourage creation, dialogue and collaboration networks, but also to bring the laboratory closer to contexts outside Lisbon, specifically in northern Portugal and Galicia, trying to build the basis for a stronger and moving Arché, decentralized in time and space.
Submissions are open from the 24th of September until the 17th of October. All the information to submit a project are available here. If you need further information, please contact us by e-mail at