A Crucigramista is a TV series created by Paula Parisot (Brazil) and Jessica Mitrani (Colombia). Its first season was called Inverted America, and was dedicated to the art and culture of Latin America. It comprises seven episodes, five minutes each, which make use of an interdisciplinary look between plastic arts, literature and film through the thinking and work of seminal historical and contemporary figures to provide an intense and controversial overview of the past and present of South America’s culture. With contributions from and evocation of artists such as Doris Salcedo and Frid Kahlo, film directors Alejandro Jodorowski and Glauber Rocha, and critics and curators Carla Stellweg and Pablo León de la Barra, among many others key characters in the affirmation of South America’s art and culture.
Jessica Mitrani (concept, script and direction) was born in Colombia and lives in New York. She works with film, performance, sculpture and video, conducting a research on how the social and aesthetical construct of the feminine shapes identity. Her work has been presented in several exhibitions and multidisciplinary contexts in the American continent and in Europe.
Paula Parisot (concept, script, presentation) was born in Rio de Janeiro and lives in Buenos Aires. She’s a writer, editor, performer and plastic artist. She’s been working in the international promotion of Brazilian literature with her works and by organising collections. In Portugal, she published the novel Gonzos e Parafusos.
In the presence of Paula Parisot and Jessica Mitrani (artists), and Emília Tavares (curator).
The talk will be held in Portuguese, with no translation.
Free admittance. Tickets must be collected on that day.