Londres - Sala 2
San Francisco Newsreel | 14' / EUA / 1968
United We Stand, Divided We Fall Retrospective
Londres - Sala 2
Stewart Bird, Rene Lichtman, Peter Gessner, John Louis Jr. | 56' / EUA / 1970
United We Stand, Divided We Fall Retrospective
Londres - Sala 1
Ra'anan Alexandrowicz | 101' / Israel / 2011
Londres - Sala 2
The Newsreel Collective | 50' / EUA / 1971
United We Stand, Divided We Fall Retrospective
Londres - Sala 2
Howard Blatt, Steven Fischler, Joel Sucher | 45' / EUA / 1972
United We Stand, Divided We Fall Retrospective
Londres - Sala 1
Pip Chodorov | 82' / França / 2010
New Visions (Dedicated to the memory of Chris Marker, Marcel Hanoun and Stephen Dwoskin)
Londres - Sala 1
Volker Schreiner | 7' / Alemanha / 2012
New Visions (Dedicated to the memory of Chris Marker, Marcel Hanoun and Stephen Dwoskin)
Londres - Sala 1
Jay Rosenblatt | 4' / EUA / 2012
New Visions (Dedicated to the memory of Chris Marker, Marcel Hanoun and Stephen Dwoskin)
Londres - Sala 1
Nicolas Provost | 7' / Bélgica / 2011
New Visions (Dedicated to the memory of Chris Marker, Marcel Hanoun and Stephen Dwoskin)
Londres - Sala 2
Fritz Ofner | 70' / Aústria / 2012
Londres - Sala 1
Simplice Ganou | 62' / França, Burquina Faso / 2011
International Competition - Features
Londres - Sala 1
Babak Afrassiabi | 29' / Holanda / 2011
International Competition - Short Films